CO Wine Marketing Brainstorming Session #12
Friday, June 5th at 1 PM, we will welcome some Colorado grape-growers to talk about how grape-growers and wineries can support each other through these difficult times, when sales in restaurants are virtually non-existent and freezes have damaged some of our crop. A recent NY Times article by Eric Asimov quoted a California grower as “[having] discussed cutting prices, delaying scheduled payments and reducing grape orders. ‘I love these guys and gals. At the same time, I don’t want to end up with a bunch of fruit.’” Come prepared with your ideas of how we help each other on both sides of the vineyard fence.
To join the call this Friday, June 5th at 1:00 PM go to:
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Webinar ID: 819 0498 2300
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Depending on the number of participants, we may ask you to submit questions using the chat function of the program. If you have difficulty connecting to the call, call Doug’s cell, 720.304.3406, or Kyle’s, 720.839.6342.
1:00 PM