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The Trade Resources page contains links, documents and other tools for grape growers, wineries, wholesalers and retailers to discover, learn about, obtain tools and connect with various facets of the Colorado wine industry.

Official documents pertaining to the Colorado Wine Industry Development Board reside in a separate section and include CWIDB Meeting Minutes, Fiscal Reports and Budgets, as well as adopted Operating Procedures, policy statements and the establishing legislation.

The Research section contains links to Colorado State’s Western Colorado Research Center–Orchard Mesa, that houses the State Viticulturist and Enologist; Economic Impact Studies, Research Proposals and Reports.  There is a document library containing Historical Research Documents, where you can search past research reports and related documents to find information on a specific topic.

And under Educational Resources and Promotional Resources you can find a link to the Western Colorado Community College’s Viticulture & Enology Program, The Colorado Grape Growers Guide, marketing toolkits and more.