Labor Matters for the Wine and Grape Industry Webinar
CAVE and the CWIDB jointly host a half-day webinar on labor matters critical for small businesses on Monday, February 1, 2021, 9 AM to Noon. Our guest speakers include:
- Courtney Berg, founder of CourtSide Consulting, an HR consulting firm for small business, certified small business consultant, and trainer with the Colorado SBDC
- Mike Kohler with the Elevate Training Program for Larimer County
- and Amanda Ericson, HRx Services, who provides HR support for small businesses through her own consulting business and through Larimer County. She is the State Director of the CO Society for Human Resource Management.
Our experts will present on labor law compliance, including COVID related labor rules, plus new requirements that went into effect on January 1st, such as the new Equal Pay for Equal Work Act and paid sick leave mandates. They will also talk about how to communicate these new requirements to your employees—offering tips, tools, and resources for implementing labor laws in such a way that will minimize anxiety and foster transparency.
Labor laws and regulations are something that often exist just outside the boundaries of “reality and comprehension” for small businesses. And the past year of constant changes due to the pandemic have made labor even more of a difficult subject. This panel of HR consultants will make the incomprehensible accessible and enjoyable.
There is no charge for this webinar. Speakers are appearing courtesy of the Small Business Development Center and Larimer County Economic Development.
The schedule for the webinar is:
- 9:00-9:10 AM: welcome, introductions, and overview
- 9:10-9:40 AM: COVID labor rules overview with Amanda Ericson
- 9:45-10:30 AM: Courtney Berg on labor law compliance including the new rules for Equal Pay, Paid Sick Leave, and Minimum Wage
- 10:30-10:45: Labor compliance Q&A with Courtney and Amanda
- 10:45-11:00 AM: break
- 11:00-11:45 AM: Mike Kohler on employee communications, including how to implement labor laws and talk with employees about the changes.
- 11:45-Noon: Final Q&A
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Passcode: n07513
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9 AM