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Boulder Wine Reads

This month at Settembre Cellars, our winemaker has selected “How to Taste” by Jancis Robinson (2008) for our wine read.

What better way to learn about wine than to taste it? The book offers practical tasting exercises for wine connoisseurs of all levels.

Please take the time to read or browse through this guide to enjoying wine. Then join our discussion on May 1st when we’ll apply what we learned. No charge to attend. Cash Bar ($10 flight or glass). For more information, visit

Boulder Wine Reads:

The idea is simple. You like wine, so do we. You also like to read and learn about wine? Let’s talk. Introducing Boulder Wine Reads. Here’s how it works: our winemaker selects a book, we read a section or two and then gather over a glass to share what we learned. While the spark that started it all came from a grape and a bottle, it could be argued that Settembre Cellars’ ignition was fueled by the desire to learn more about wine. Art, science, history, geography and an intimate human connection to the season and soil beneath our feet, few beverages can match the story wine has to tell. Whether your interest is purely hedonistic, or you wish to explore the intricacy of phenolics, minerality & terroir, we invite you to join an exploration of wine’s story

May 1, 2016

Settembre Cellars

1501 Lee Hill Road #16
Boulder, CO 80304
(303) 532-1892