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Evergood Adventure Wines

613 County Line Rd, Unit L, Palmer Lake, CO 80133

Melanie Hexter
(719) 966-7350


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Wine made from lemons, not grapes!

Crafted in small town Colorado, our delicious wines have adventurous labels and uniquely Colorado names: Skier Pee, Snow Bunny, Switch Stance and Citrus Stomp. While we often describe our four citrus wines as “adult lemonades,” tasters call them “refreshing,” “game changers” and “my new favorite drinks!”

Skier Pee, our flagship wine, tastes like an adult lemonade. Snow Bunny is our strawberry-flavored lemon wine that tasters describe as an adult juice box. Award-winning, Snow Bunny won a Colorado Governor’s Cup silver medal in 2018. Switch Stance, made from lemons and limes, is an instant margarita (with 1/3 of the sugars of most margarita mixes). It also received a Governor’s Cup silver in 2019. And Citrus Stomp, our newest wine, is quickly becoming a fan favorite for its perfectly sweet-and-sour flavor. Evergood Elixirs won the 2019 Taste of Golden (Colorado) TOP SIPS award.

Evergood Elixirs has introduced a limited release cranberry lemon mulled wine, Heart Warmer. “Like gluhwein, only better!,” Heart Warmer is 7.3% ABV, aromatic and beautiful for winter sipping. Crafted for seasonal family gatherings, holiday parties and apres-ski events, Heart Warmer is sold in large pouches (1.5 L equivalent to six servings). Heat the entire pouch in a crockpot — or if you don’t want to share, warm a mugful just for yourself!

Our wines made from lemons, not grapes, range in ABV from 8.5-10%. All are gluten-free, vegan and low in sugar compared to sweet grape wines. Most tasters love them over ice, some enjoy them chilled and bartenders love them as mixers! Imagine a Pee Sour, a Bunny Margarita, a Switch Mojito or a Stompaloma. The versatility and long shelf-life make them a great addition to home bar carts. Bartenders have told us our wines have replaced many other bottles in their wells.

Skier Pee, Snow Bunny, Switch Stance and Citrus Stomp are completely different from Mike’s Hard Lemonade or limoncello liqueur. They are wines: true, non-carbonated, citrus wines. On shelves since June 2018, our wines are available in liquor stores, bars and restaurants across Colorado. With our whimsical branding and packaging, unique recipes and the mystique of the Colorado mountains, we are offering the right beverage at the right time. Cheers to wine made from lemons, not grapes!
